We would like to invite you to the final conference of the project entitled Temporary compensatory measures to increase the employment and education of Roma LDI03017, which will take place on March 13, 2024 (Wednesday) from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the premises of Hotel Saffron, Radlinského 27, Bratislava.
At the conference, we will present the concept of temporary compensatory measures (DVO) and several examples of practical application in Slovakia and abroad, we will also discuss the wider use of DVO in the education and employment of people from marginalized Roma communities, and we will teach you how to formally prepare and report DVO.
The number of conference participants is limited, please register by filling out the following form HERE.

The event is financed by the project entitled “Temporary balancing measures to increase the employment and education of Roma” supported by Norwegian grants 2014 – 2021 and the state budget of the Slovak Republic (LDI03017). The goal of the project is to increase awareness and better use of DVO in the employment of Roma men and women, especially from marginalized communities.
The project is implemented by the Labor Agency of the Banskobystrické self-governing region, n.o. in cooperation with the Slovak National Center for Human Rights and the Norwegian partner Stiftelsen Mangfold i Arbeidslivet. You can read more information about the project on the websites of the project partners
https://dvo.agenturapracebbsk.sk/, https://www.snslp.sk/vysledky/projekty/prebiehajuce-projekty/ a Stiftelsen Mangfold i Arbeidslivet.