This project is financed from the program “Local development, elimination of poverty and inclusion of Roma” co-financed from the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and the state budget of the Slovak Republic.
Implementation time: 9/2021 – 4/2024
Project partners: Slovenské národné stredisko pre ľudské práva, Stiftelsen Mangfold i Arbeidslivet
Description of the project
Affirmative action boosting up (DVO) are specific measures serving to equalize inequalities and disadvantages of specific groups of people. They aim to create equality in access to employment, education, health care and housing. DVO are based on the idea that not everyone has the same opportunities to get an education or a job, not through their own fault, but because of belonging to a certain long-term disadvantaged group.
Insufficient use of DVO in practice
Despite the fact that DVOs represent an effective tool for balancing opportunities even for people from marginalized Roma communities, according to a survey by the Slovak National Center for Human Rights, awareness of their use in Slovakia is low, and only a small number of authorized entities implement DVOs. Employers often suffer from a misinterpretation of anti-discrimination legislation, when DVO is perceived as positive discrimination or a violation of the law.
Employers are therefore often hesitant to initiate any activities that are explicitly or exclusively aimed at Roma, arguing that such measures could be unfair to other groups of potential employees.
You can read more about DVO in information leaflet.
Objectives of the project
The project focuses on increasing awareness and better use of DVO in the employment of Roma men and women, especially from marginalized Roma communities. Its goal is to increase the technical capacities of employers to accept, implement and evaluate effective DVO for employing persons from marginalized Roma communities and thereby contribute to the social inclusion of Roma communities. It focuses on promoting best practices, encouraging mutual learning and networking between employers and other key stakeholders active in Roma communities. It helps employers to orient themselves in the area of non-discrimination and diversity so that they have the full capacity to adopt DVO, which are effective and mitigate the negative effects of discrimination against marginalized Roma communities.
As part of job creation, the project also focuses on education and vocational training, eliminating discrimination and ensuring equal opportunities for Roma men and women in the field of employment, eliminating poverty and marginalization, as well as promoting gender equality.
The project builds on a fair partnership between employers able to provide jobs, community centers and non-governmental organizations working with people from Roma communities, and organizations that support employers and community centers in their joint efforts to increase the employment rate of Roma.
Results of the project
A study of the practical use of DVO in practice in Slovakia and abroad (especially in member countries of the European Union)
DVO Handbook for Employers – a “how to design, implement and evaluate” successful DVO manual for newcomers
Seminar on DVO and diversity management in the workplace in the context of employment of marginalized Roma communities
Networking events to strengthen partnerships between key actors in the field of employment (e.g. employee organizations, chambers of commerce, trade unions, professional associations)
Recruitment of employers, consultations for employers and implementation of DVO in the field of employment and vocational education and training of Roma and Roma women
Recruitment of community centers and non-governmental organizations operating directly in Roma communities and training in the provision of supported employment services
A guide to providing employment services to people from marginalized Roma communities
Proposals for policy updates to remove structural obstacles to the employment of Roma and Roma women and to facilitate the introduction of DVO in the field of employment