Working together for a  green, competitive and inklusive Europe

Working together for a  green, competitive and inklusive Europe

We invite you to a 2-day training for MVO

We invite you to a 2-day training for MVO, which focuses on working with vulnerable clients in the field of employment and education. It will be led by our partner Norwegian organization MIA (Stiftelsen Mangfold i Arbeidslivet). The training will take place on March 11-12, 2024 at the Saffron Hotel at Radlinského 27 in Bratislava as part of the project Temporary compensatory measures to increase the employment and education of Roma LDI03017. The training will take place in English, interpretation is provided.

You can find more information in the attached invitation, and due to the limited number of participants, please register on the attached link HERE.

We look forward to meeting you.

Srdečne Vás pozývame 9. decembra na Adventný benefičný koncert, ktorého výťažok poputuje na pomoc matkám samoživiteľkám. Pred konaním koncertu sa na Vás od 14.00 hod. tešíme v Spoločenskom centre 3Pé, kde si zábavnou formou a v príjemnej atmosfére môžete zdokonaliť svoje pracovné zručnosti.

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