Working together for a  green, competitive and inklusive Europe

Working together for a  green, competitive and inklusive Europe

We combined the pleasant with the useful

Saturday, December 9, was in the spirit of helping people. We started the afternoon with activities aimed at developing skills that are helpful in choosing a suitable job and preparing for the work process. Based on their knowledge and characteristics, the participants compiled a resume and revealed their strengths and weaknesses through prepared questionnaires. And since the family spends weekends together, we have prepared a variety of fun and educational games for children accompanying their parents.
The afternoon ended with a wonderful benefit concert performed by students and teachers of the Ján Levoslav Bella Conservatory in Banská Bystrica and special guests – opera soloist Gabriella Papp and pianist Zsolt Botoš, who provided a wonderful artistic experience. All proceeds from the entrance fee will go to help single mothers.
Our thanks go to the partners of the event: OZ Úspeshný život, IN Network Slovakia, TESCO and all the donors who contributed to the noble goal.
The event was financed by the project entitled Temporary compensatory measures to increase the employment and education of Roma. Supported by Norway through Norwegian Grants. Co-financed from the state budget of the Slovak Republic.
Affirmative action boosting up (
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